Monday, October 15, 2012

Kumbi Saleh (Kingdom of Ghana)

Life inmy time of 4021 is a very advanced society with many new inventions and achievements.Ever since the invention of the time machine in 4019, life as a photographerhas been much more exciting. I’ve traveled back through time to many ancient civilizationssuch as Ancient Egypt and Rome, observing and photographing the ways of lifeback then. However on my latest journey I went back in time to an empire entirelynew to me, the Ancient Kingdom of Ghana.
I setthe dial on the time machine to go back to the year 815 C.E. to the location of theAncient Kingdom of Ghana in western Africa. I stepped out of the time machineand into the city of Kumbi Saleh and was immediatelystruck with the hot dry climate of this region. There were people crowded inthe city trading goods with Saharan traders who traveled across the Sahara incaravans to trade items such as gold, ivory, and salt. The native people worebright colored clothes and the women were carrying jugs of water and food ontheir heads through the streets.    
I also made my way to a part of the city called the El Ghaba whichwas home to the royal palace, as well as other wealthy residents of thetown. The houses in El Ghaba weremade out of wood and stone as opposed to houses for poorer people which weremade out of clay and wood. El Ghaba also contained a sacred grove oftrees that was used in religious ceremonies. On the other side of thecity there was a section containing more than a dozen mosqueslocated within the trading center. After taking the pictures that I wanted andlearned all that I had wanted to learn I returned to the time machine and camewent back to the year 4021. 


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