Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Paul Nash (The Mule Track)

Paul Nash-The Mule Track

Paul Nash was born in London on May 11, 1989, his parents were William and Caroline Nash. Paul and his brother John both grew interested in art at a young age. Paul's first major experience with art took place at the Carfax Gallery in 1912 and was successful with his art over the next few years. Wishing to help his country fight World War I, Paul reluctantly enlisted in the army hoping to be a red cross man. In March of 1917 Paul was sent of to fight on Western Front and participated in the battle at Ypres, becoming the rank of lieutenant. While in the trenches Paul often captured the sites by sketching them in his notebook. May of 1917 Paul was discharged from the British Army resulting from a non-war related accident. When Paul returned home he began transferring his sketches from the trenches into paintings that are well-known today.

Paul's piece "The Mule Track" depicts the battlefield that he witnessed during the war. He shows the damage being done by the mortar shells and the exploding earth. This piece helps to show people who did not experience life in the trenches just how horrific it actually was. The picture uses very dark colors and shadows only bringing contrast with the colors of the fiery explosions. This painting is symbolic of the death and destruction brought upon by the war because of the dead tress and exploding landscape it shows.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Independence Movements in Latin America

A) In my opinion, the greatest factor that caused the Independence movements to occur was the people being rallied by the previous French and American Revolutions and their inevitable success. 
B) I think that Father Miguel Hidalgo was the most important revolutionary because he lead and encouraged his fellow Mexicans to take up arms and fight for their freedom from Spain. He helped shape Mexico into what it is today and because of it they celebrate the anniversary of his accomplishments as the countries birthday.

Independence Movements in Latin America

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Module 2- French Revolution

From Evernote:

Module 2- French Revolution

  • The French Government is undergoing drastic changes among its leaders and citizens. The picture above shows the chaos caused by revolting citizens of a weak government. When a government isn't stable it is noticed by the citizens and causes them to take action and revolt. A government is weak when it can no longer solve problems and defend itself from other countries. A weak government cannot survive and will crumble unless a new leader is appointed.
  • When things don't improve with a failing government the people step in and take charge. The people start seeking out alternative governments to solve the problems at hand. As the population rejects the current government they establish a new De Facto government. The De Facto government sets out to solve the problems created by the last regime. The people work together and overcome the challenges they face to make a better government for the entire population.
  •  Among the change and chaos emerges counter-revolutionaries who seek to put an end to the revolt. These people manly consisted of men who lost power in the old government such as nobles and clergy. These people benefited from the old government and are not keen to change. Counter-revolutionaries also consisted of uneducated peasants who followed their traditional leaders. The counter-revolutionaries feared change attempted to "restore order" in France.
  • The picture above is an example of splintering which is what happened to the revolutionaries. The revolutionaries split into several different factions or groups. All of the different factions have different beliefs and ideas for the new France. There is corruption with the factions and counter-revolutionaries sneak in and try to break them apart. This causes violence and the factions split and try to destroy one another which causes them all to deteriorate.  

  • All of this mayhem has created no solution for the country of France. The people are tired of the revolt and are seeking stability. They turn Napoleon to lead the country and hope that he can save them on the verge of collapse. Napoleon uses his military experience to strengthen Frances army and make them less vulnerable for siege. Napoleon also rebuilds France and quickly begins to solve the problems that have plagued France for so long.